
Is Popping Pills The Answer???


So recently I have been researching new ways to tackle TTM. I fell off the wagon I was doing so well for 60 days (the longest I've gone in the past is about 3-4 months, but that was a lifetime ago now). I actually need to get back into a better routine, get my training back in gear, try hard not to over eat macros and to remember to charge and wear my Fitbit and Pavlov wristbands.

Pills I've tried or currently taking:

So the new pills I've decided to try are Probiotics with 30 billion CFU's. I am not sure what 30 billion CFU's does or what it means but it was suggested on a blog.  I read and heard from the TTM community about these and in particular a blog reporting the benefits of it. It's worth a shot. The blog can be found here. Give it a read it's interesting. I'll talk about my experiences further in the blog.

I've tried a supplement back home too a while ago, which was a form of Amino acid and what some body builders use apparently. This particular amino acid is called N-Acetyl Cysteine. I took this back in the day a bottle cost me a whopping £8. It costs more to order some online now in Korea though, however I am willing to buy some of them to take in conjunction with the rest of my supplements.

St. John's worts are supposed to be a natural way to treat depression and anxiety type mental illnesses (supposedly). I don't believe in taking SSRI's or anti-depressant's, just because I don't think it's safe messing with brain chemistry. Now I used to take these, sadly I can't take these anymore, as these interfere with the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill (as in, I can get pregnant on the pill.) It was what influenced me to come off the pill for a few years amongst other things associated with my weight and mood. So this is a no go for now. I can not comment on the effectiveness of these as it was a very long time ago I took these. I didn't take these for a long enough time to really give a verdict on these. But I would like to take these again one day.

Omega 3 capsules are what I use regardless of mental health or not, these are great, I feel less foggy, my attention and memory genuinely do improve If I take these for long enough. I feel they must contribute somehow to my mental health just because of the memory and alertness substantially improves. Fogginess and the fact I zone out a lot and easily distracted is a huge issue for me, so these really work for me. Plus all the other added benefits of fish oil.

Again not TTM related but living in Korea means increased risk of getting ill namely because working with kids, hygiene is not as highly regarded here, I think personally, not to mention the fact people even when contagious still go to work here. Another thing is the yellow dust, which causes me to cough etc. I feel germs can be easily spread in that way also.

Multi-vitamins, people claim you just pee them out but I feel like I should be taking them. I take this brand, because of the added greens which I think is important in maintaining health. These make me pee fluorescent yellow though. So be warned! Again, I don't know if they are effective I just feel I don't eat enough fruit and vegetables and want those added nutrients. I haven't noticed a correlation between these and hair pulling sadly.

Lastly, I used to take a lot of stacks aka bodybuilding supplements in forms of pills (L-carnitine, BCAA's) etc. Basically more Amino acid's. They are NOT steroids I just want to make that clear. They are supposed to aid in weight loss but I did not notice an increase in fat loss. It's best not waste your money on them personally. I took these specific ones due to reviews and the endorsement model. They again have no correlation with mental health in any way.

Pill's I want to try/ yet to try:

I've wanted to try Biotin for a while now after seeing those blue gummy hair vitamins advertised all over social media. I saw the ingredients and it contained biotin amongst other stuff. So I decided it's probably best just to buy biotin tablets at a cheaper price because they aren't endorsed by a Kardashian. Now this isn't associated with stopping the behaviour of pulling but aids in growing healthy hair fast, but as I find a mix of castor and coconut oil so effective in doing the same job and probably more useful in terms of restricting hair pulling, I am not in a rush to add it to my already high consumption of pills.

Probiotics do they work?
So here's the down low on my experience thus far, I received these pills on the 5th May, I started taking them on the day, I take just one pill a day, with a meal because I've only bought the 30 pack, so I didn't waste my money if they proved ineffective. A month seems sufficient enough to test these. The first 2 or 3 days I was pulling my hair way more than normal (when I am not stressed.) I was pulling like I was under extreme worry and stress, this is usually when I zone out and pull for hours and when I regain awareness 2 hours+ have passed and theres thousands of short strands in the perimeter of my bed. After those 2 manic days it calmed down and yesterday I was thinking, I don't have that urge but I do miss the sensation.

Now usually when I grasp a hair before even pulling it out usually the tension would start this intense tingling/itching sensation I am so addicted to. This time all I felt was the pain thats usually masked and overwhelmed by the tingling/itching sensation, it usually takes a back seat, becomes almost non-existent, even though we subconsciously know it's there it's not enough to affect the sensation or urge.
Well this was different, I reached and there was absence of that sensation of ecstasy all I felt was pain and I immediately stopped without hesitation, without second thought. I literally have this feeling in my chest that wants to pull, but no sensation in my head to want to. I just tested this, I have just pulled a hair out and the unpleasant sensation is not only more amplified but lingers after the hair is removed no tingly/itchy sensation I enjoy. The satisfaction is lacking, I mean we never are satisfied hence why we keep pulling out hairs, finding that holy grail hair, we may or may not find it, but it doesn't satisfy that craving. I'm going to continue and I'll come back to report again soon on these.



Karma's a bitch and I'm no better.


Have you ever felt a sense of regret? Have you ever felt racked with guilt, because you could have done more to help someone?

Well this is the first time, I've ever regretted a decision, I'm feeling sick to my stomach, I'm racked with guilt, I just want to cry endlessly and drown in my own tears. I've never felt so responsible for another person's wellbeing before to the point I feel like it's destroying me inside. What do you do when you hurt someone you are supposed to love?

Whilst you were hurting and I did not respond to your cries for help. I was frozen in a state of fear, I hurt you and I feared me doing anything else would have just made things worse. I was fighting with my thoughts and worries, but I was paralysed and felt helpless. But I did NOTHING! 

I could feel your pain, I feared you were going to hurt yourself and yet I did nothing. I know full well what it is like to be in that position, crying endlessly for hours, hoping for someone to embrace you, tell you everything will be ok and to help calm you down, but I didn't. I didn't try hard enough, I let you suffer on your own for hours. What sort of person let's another person suffer alone in your presence. A bad person. A heartless person. A selfish person.

Why this is affecting me so much you ask? I have a troubling past, abuse from an ex, which funnily enough didn't evoke those emotions because I didn't know better and thought abuse=love. No I am referring to the troubling years at home living with my mother and her husband. 

Most people knew it, I ran away from home at young age many times, weeks on end no contact with my family and guess what? No one reported me missing or even worried. Police have been called so many times to my house by my mothers spouse due to fabricated incidents. The last time the police was called, I ran away and 6 police cars came to my house, because he had reported I had stolen my mothers jewellery. (Theres a full back story to how that came about but it's not important or necessary to what this post is about.)

The main point of what I am saying is,  for a large part of my life I have been around vindictive, manipulative people, people who don't really care about me. Which meant, I would end up in physical and verbal fights with this man, (i'm not kidding this man punched me in the jaw before, and I punched him back). But the general jist is, he would fabricate some bullshit to piss me off, which would cause me to flip my lid and start an argument, it's really not hard to get on the wrong side of me, I will swear and insult him, this was no difference, some times I was so mad I would smash stuff and throw things, slam doors repeatedly. He would provoke me on a regular basis and make up lies, my mother the person who carried me for 9 months, my flesh and blood, the woman who is meant to protect me, would side with this man, she would even argue and protect him and always believe his bullshit. (Just some of the stuff he's fabricated: I had an abortion at 14 years old, I accused him of molesting me, made up stuff I supposedly said or did. He also did this to my brother, I saw him pick up my brother when he was younger and chuck him on a table.)

Do you know what it's like when someone you love who should support and care for you abandons your trust? Well I do, I would cry for hours, until all energy has left my body, eyes swollen, face puffy usually followed by headaches and aches through out my body (I would physically tense my body when angry.) I was so stressed it was physically taking a toll on me.  I was depressed, I would eat to try and cope. This happened so often, our neighbours complained all the time and hated our family. 

I would call my boyfriend at the time, crying down the phone, he would tell me to meet him but he never took my cries for help seriously, his family would get annoyed I went round their house, when I desperately needed comfort and help. Only when we broke up and I moved to Thailand did he tell me he realised how severe I was suffering at home. To put it in context he also told me he loved me (a year later), it's weird because his excuse he cheated and our relationship went to shit was because he didn't. (But, who cares? Am I right? Because I don't.) He was always full of shit and let's not pretend he or his family really cared about me or my wellbeing.

The problem when carrying your life's burdens is no one hears your cries of suffering, everyone calls you dramatic, brushes it off with "attention seeking". That's what happened to me, my boyfriend told his family all my secrets, everything, from TTM, to my home troubles. All they did was judge me and victim shame me for feeling that way. I was "weird" "boring" etc. That family have no empathy or remorse for other people, they just judge and insult other people and belittle them for anything they thought was weird or different.

So you can imagine when I graduated I had to leave home fast, I forgive my mum for the bullshit, she is my mum she is getting old, she's more sick all the time, I have to let that go because soon enough I will never see her again. I guess there was nothing she could really do, if she sided with me we would have been homeless.

The whole point is, I've felt that suffering, too often, this went on for years until the day I left for Korea. I needed help and the only escape at the time was my abusive asshole of an ex. But he didn't help me, I suffered alone and that made me deeply angry person inside, that's something I live with every day. I am angry, no one heard my cries for help, no one embraced me when I was choking on my tears. All I can feel is that pain from then and I'm plagued with this guilt from now, I am no better than any of those people. The thoughts that ran through my head whilst I cried myself to tiredness was I hate these people, if they loved me they would be here comforting me and not making me feel crazy and they wouldn't let me suffer like this (my family would literally tell me to shut up and leave he house and drive off.)

 I did the same thing, I hurt someone I genuinely love and care about. How do you live with that knowing full well what that suffering feels like?

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