The Beginnings To The Road To Recovery. Day #2
So it's day two since I officially started the intervention, a revamp, a wake up call, whatever you want to call it, its time to press the reset button and try again at fixing this broken part of me. Funnily enough after I stopped seeing the psychiatrist I stopped caring about trying to stop, I was 16 at the time. I zoned it out for many years, because I guess after that I experienced years of traumatic events, which included my ex, who never made me feel good about myself. I never felt a reason to stop it was my main source of comfort the more my ex tried to change me in every physical way possible which included his naive view that I should stop pulling my hair out and grow it so he can tug my hair in the bedroom. The thought never crossed my mind again about stopping.
Now almost a decade on from quitting CBT and habit reversal therapy, I had a wake up call, something that hasn't crossed my mind in a long time and thats the motivation to try and stop again. Isn't it weird, now that I'm with someone who is accepting of me for who I am and doesn't want to change me, it's when I've found the motivation to quit. This is why I always say only surround yourself by positivity, when you are engulfed in it you in turn will become it, the same goes for negative people and their behaviours.
So how's it going thus far?
Well as it's early days, this could just be the placebo effect but I feel the squeezing the bean toy using the same fingers I pull with relieved the urge to pull last night, so I didn't pull a single hair out before I went to sleep yesterday! That was the first time thats happened in a very long time, I can't even pinpoint a time where I didn't pull a hair out of my head before I went to sleep. I feel this is the peak time and really only time that I do this (evening/night).
However, I did wake up early and laid in bed for 30 minutes before work, it was a bad move because I had this urge overcome me to reach and pull, I gave in, this wasn't as disappointing as it sounds though, I pulled 4 single strands of hair from my head, thats next to nothing
compared to the hundreds I pull out in a session, in clumps, also some reason I only pull out regrowth and short/shorter strands of hair (most of the time). I feel like squeezing that bean toy has had a positive impact so far, I hope this isn't just the placebo effect like I said. It's still early days but I feel like I should celebrate every victory, I also have no urges to pull from my head tonight, but my head is trying to tempt me, I notice if I don't pull out hair my head starts itching in places almost as if it is intentionally trying to get me pull hair out, but the urge isn't strong if at all existent and I've been in bed since 7pm-ish and its now almost 1am, my hand has been running through my hair and was instantly aware and stopped with no issue, just before I wrote this blog it found some "crinkly" feeling hairs, there was one that particularly stood out, I grasped it and told myself it wouldn't be worth it and left it alone to write this post, usully the urge will still be there, badgering me to pull it out.
So I'm happy so far but so so tired, it's time to hit the hay, I have a weekend to spend with a particular man ;) Enjoy the weekend!
Peace, Love and Positivity.
Cherry x