Zap zap zap and the fun begins!


Here I am again as mentioned in my last post I spoke about the Pavlok, well I ordered one because I did some extra online teaching and well this isn't a splurge it's a necessity in my eyes, like I said, I am willing to try anything and I'm sure most TTM sufferers can also agree they feel the same way when it comes to managing TTM.

So here it is, naturally I went for Pink it's my all time favourite colour. They have various other colours, I also got 2 free wristbands they had blue, black and grey. I took the blue and black, they were free so why not?

I've put on the wristband and its weird to say the least because I'm used to wearing my Fitbit but to be also wearing one on my right arm for me is rather bizarre. So far so good, I'm getting used to how it works and such. I've downloaded the app, I am getting the hang of it. I zapped myself once for a tester, the other 2 two times was because the first time I pulled and the second time I had the urge to pull. I like that there's a course you follow and that it shows when you are most prevalent in your behaviours, however you got to log these yourself and it doesn't log them for you.

I've also come to realise you will not be zapped automatically, i guess this is because if it makes an error in your movements you will be getting shocked. I have noticed it has been vibrating a hell of a lot, when my hand is stationary or moving around a bit, I am hoping this is due to the fact the battery may need charging and not just poor craftsmanship, if not I may just switch it back to manual, which may lose its effectiveness.

These are just early thoughts on the tracker so far, you can set it to behaviours of your choice whether it be smoking, eating sugar etc. You can also set the strength of the vibrations and shocks and how many times they occur in one trigger, there is also a beep option but I don't really see myself using it.

I'm experimenting for the next few days to get the hang of it, I am also going to see if I can also at the same time condition myself to exercise and stop craving sugar or if this is solely just one behaviour at a time sort of deal.

I am fully aware the only time I pull is when I am alone, in bed. So I will not be wearing it in the day just when I get home from work, if that proves ineffective then of course I will wearing it consistently.

Please note though they cant be worn in the shower or any environment which will have contact with water so don't go swimming with it!!!

Will report again soon!!!

P.S. Still no sign of my fidget cube :(

Peace, love and positivity.

Cherry x

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